Tuesday, 26 July 2016

How long should my computer last?

This is such a difficult question to answer because it’s subject to so many variables.
If you are in the market for a new computer, you will notice that there are dozens of models with vastly different prices.
It can be daunting to understand the differences and what paying more really gets you.
In so many fields of life you can choose between brand name and generic and often get as much for your money by not paying for branding.
In the computer world this is occasionally true, but less so. Budget computers are usually those with lower end processors, sometimes dated hardware, and generally less robust parts. If your computer needs are VERY basic; some Word Processing, Email, Web Surfing and the like, these budget computers may well meet your needs, but bear in mind that cheaper hardware won't last as long as more expensive hardware, though as I note later, even expensive hardware will generally not last years and years.
Operating Systems and other software change regularly and demand more processing power, so even a high end computer will outlive its usefulness in a few years.
For some people on a limited budget that makes buying an older used computer that will hopefully last a year at least, two years at best, and meets their needs for that time period can be a better choice. You generally don’t pay tax, and although you pay out more often, it can work out at less over time.

For example:

New budget PC @ $600 +tax = $672  - best case scenario 5 years usage = $134 per year
Used PC $150 no tax - best case scenario 18 months usage = $100 per year

It’s a toss up and only you can decide. Sometimes it comes down to how much cash is available at the time you want to make your purchase. If you have to finance a new PC and need to factor in interest costs that will dramatically alter the equation.

In either case, buying new or used, get the advice of someone who understands the specifications and can help you determine the best choice for your needs.

Sadly, many high end PCs, over $1000 and up to $2000 or more, are designed more for what they are capable of doing, and less for longevity. They can accomplish much higher end tasks like 3D gaming and video editing, and can  run more demanding programs. With more expensive, and generally higher end parts they can hopefully last a little longer, but unless you need that processing power for the kind of computer tasks you need to accomplish, those few extra months may cost more than you bargain for in the long run.

So in general, don’t pay more in the hopes that it will last longer, only pay more for what it can do.

With so many variables these are all generalizations, some budget computers chug along for years, some high end computer die far more quickly than expected. Also in this generalization I am not factoring in the type of PC; Desktop Towers, Laptops, All-in-Ones, Hybrid Tablet/Laptops etc. Each type will alter the costs one way or another.
Also this mostly applies to Windows PCs as Macs are a whole other subject.
Likely though you will be wanting to update any computer within 5 years or so, simply because the Operating System and any new programs you want to run will demand something more than was available when your PC was purchased.

Since for many of us now use a computer of some type every day, there are few basic pieces of advice I can offer
1 - Pay for, or learn how to do, basic computer maintenance to optimize your PCs lifespan
2 - Start saving for your next computer the day you buy your existing one.
Even $25 per month in a fund for a new computer will add up over time, and make the next purchase more palatable. If possible, add another $10 per month for maintenance and possible parts replacements that can lengthen the time between new PC purchases.
3- Do learn how to do backups. EVERY computer will eventually die. You can replace a computer, and you can replace or upgrade programs, but you can’t replace your personal files, especially photos.

4- When you have to make a purchase, be honest about your computer needs and if possible get advice from a trusted, knowledgeable friend – don’t just rely on the advice of salespersons.

Monday, 25 July 2016

What should every computer user know how to do?

There are certain things everyone should know how to do if they plan to use a computer, especially a computer that is connected to the internet, and also a computer that they use to connect to other people, via email for example.

If you want to drive a car, whether you are 16, or 60, you need to know and abide by the rules of the road. You need to know how to operate your vehicle, and you need to know basic safety rules, for your own safety and the safety of those sharing the road.
You should also be aware that your car requires maintenance. You need to ensure it gets regular oil, fuel and safety checks, and be prepared for repairs if needed.

In the same way, if you plan to use a computer you should know it also needs maintenance, and that if you allow your system to be compromised it can affect others that you connect with.

So what should every computer user know how to do?
Here are just a few of the obvious:

·        Run regular malware checks
·         Learn how to surf the web safely, and be alert to scams and threats and don’t fall for them.
·         Backup your own personal files in case of damage.
·         Learn how to use email properly so as not to compromise the safety of your contacts.
·         Have a reasonable knowledge of how your computer should look and operate, so you can be alert       to changes that may signal problems.

If you think you have an issue and it’s not something you feel confident to take care of,  alert a competent friend or computer tech quickly. Problems left unattended for a long time usually get much worse.
It doesn’t hurt to have a tech do regular checks on your PC every couple of months, but unless you want to spend a fortune in tech fees, there are some things you will want to learn.

So have someone teach you how to back up your files. Practice by doing this regularly so you don’t forget.
Take the time to learn how to identify scams and threats. If you are unsure simply never follow a link in an email that asks for ANY personal info.
Never allow anyone you don’t personally know and trust to access your computer, in person or remotely.
Learn how to run scans to check for malware.
Prevention is WAY better than a cure (and cheaper too!)
Take the time to learn how your email works, and make sure you understand what email etiquette is and how important it can be.

Try not to fall into the habit of saying “I can’t do this” or “I’m too old to learn” If you said you couldn’t drive, or were too old to operate your car, but got behind the wheel anyway – you would soon lose your license, not just for your own sake but for others too.
No one expects you to learn all there is to know about computers, but enough to keep yourself and others protected.

And don’t worry if it takes a while to learn the basics. Be patient, but PRACTICE – that’s what helps form good habits.

In the long run it will also make your computer less scary and build your own confidence in using it.

Lastly, change is inevitable. Operating Systems (like Windows) develop and change; websites we rely on change; email programs are updated. It can be tough to keep up with the changes at times, but bear with it – and ask for help if you are feeling at a loss. Don’t try to dig your heels in and hold onto the past though. It doesn’t work. No one is driving Model T’s any more either!

Learn what you can, Practice the basics-  and try to enjoy the ride!